Importance of Question in negotiation

Importance of Questions in negotiation
Question asking is a very important tool in negotiations. Negotiators often overlook the power of questions
in negotiations to help them achieve their goals. When posed correctly, questions are potent tools that
can help them meet three particular negotiation goals: information gathering, relationship building and persuasion.
Questions that inform:
Two sisters were locked in a dispute over their diseased father's diamond ring.
Finally, in the frustration, one asked a key question: why do you want the ring?
The other replied, this ring has a beautiful diamond that i can use in a pendant.
The first sister responded that i want this ring because it reminds me of our father.
once they realized that their interests are different but not necessarily incompatible,
the sisters explored possible solutions.
They agreed that the sister who wanted the diamond could have it,
after she paid to replace it with the birthstone of her sister,
who would then keep the this way questions can be very effective in
exchanging information and knowing the concern of others so that the negotiation
strategy can be framed accordingly.
Questions that connect:
Questions are also a way to send messages to other people. Through your questioning,
you communicate that those across the table are important to you, that you care about their concerns, ideas and feelings.
Questions that persuade:
Most people like to give advice, an inclination that you can put to work in your negotiations.
The U S Vice-President Joe Biden, did exactly that in the waning days of cold war when,
as a member of Senate foreign Relations Committee, he tried to persuade Soviet Foreign Minister,
Andrei Gromyko, to accept the changes to a proposed arms-control treaty.
Detecting Gromyko's resistance, Biden did not insist on the changes, but instead asked Gromyko's
advice on how to explain some of treaty's problematic provisions to his Senate Colleagues.
A dialogue ensued, and eventually Gromyko said,I see what you mean. Perhaps we can modify the language in this way to take care of that concern.
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