
iFunny is a mobile application that is one of the most popular meme apps for iOS and Android devices. iFunny started as a simple app that you could upload funny pictures, but now has become the most top ranked meme app. iFunny was made by someone nicknamed iFunnyChef located in Russia.
The idea behind iFunny is that users can upload images to a Collective Section where all Pictures or Videos are shown. 20 photos are selected out of all the Collective section and displayed in the Featured Section. The Featured section has been many user's top Goal to get into. User's have gone as far as to Reupload a previous Feature from a while back to get it featured thinking that people have forgotten about the photo, which has created an iFunny Controversy.
Featuring Team
The Featuring Team for iFunny is a team that goes and reviews all the Collective photos and selects 20 of them for the Featured Section. Not much is known about who is in the Featuring Team and iFunnyChef has declared that the identities of the Team is a Secret.
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