Ic21 mindmap

ic21 mindmap is a computer program developed to aid in competitive intelligence. It was created as a component for Joomla! that allows users to store, modify and share mindmaps created on freemind. Furthermore, it has a major implementation that allows browsing in a mindmap fashion.
ic21 mindmap started as a college project at University Fernando Pessoa developed by Fernando Magro with strategic advising from Luc Quoniam. Afterwards, Miguel Trigo and Bruno Soares took interest on the project and have been supporting and contributing ever since. Currently the project is being developed on .
Competitive Intelligence
There is an international feature that allows a very rich cultural interchange by translating text on-the-fly while browsing. Users can select a foreign language, write a keyword on their own language and both the foreign content and the keyword will be translated accordingly. Example: an english user can select the japanese language (ja. .org), type "innovation", ask to translate that keyword and then translate to english the output of 's article on japanese innovation.
As stated before, the feature about browsing (called mindpedia) allows a user to see the most important topics about an article in a mindmap and keep browsing to the next topic.
Programming view
ic21 mindmap was written in PHP/MySQL using various pieces of code around the web.
Hands on
The software is currently beta and available for testing at .
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