Hugh Oliver

Hugh Oliver is a singer/songwriter currently living in Canada. He was born in 1929 in England and received a degree in English Lit. and Chemistry from the prestigious Keele University. During National Service, he was a Lieutenant in the Royal West African Frontier Force. Hugh emigrated to Canada in 1966 with his wife and four children, first in Montreal and then in Toronto where he became editor-in-chief of OISE Press at the University of Toronto. During this time, Sir Hugh would spend much time refining his Bridge playing skills, and he would eventually become a "Hart House Bridge champion" with Jack Quarter. After retiring from his publishing career, he pursued music, poetry, and sculpture. He is co-author of the Canadian Limerick Book and an Associate of the Royal Institute of Chemistry.
Known Discography
Perchance: Contrafloccinaucinihilipilifications of Hugh Oliver and Michael Rosenthal (Release Date 2004)
Even Kercy: Lucubrations of Hugh Oliver and Michael Rosenthal (Release Date 2009)
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