
Word Understanding

Horrible is an adjective to describe something or somebody or some activity that is very bad or unpleasant or disgusting. It is used to describe what you do not like and maybe makes you feel very shocked or frightened.
Examples: horrible weather, horrible crime, horrible film.

Horrible can go well with some verbs such as be, feel, look, seem, sound, taste (according to Oxford Collocations dictionary)
Examples: Her apple pie tastes horrible.

Some main synonyms: terrible, nasty, obnoxious
Some other synonyms: horrifying, frightful, ghastly, hideous, horrid, grim, grisly, shocking, outrageous, execrable

Antonyms: delightful, agreeable, fascinating, attractive, enchanting, delectable

What is horrible to human?

Eruption did cause the the extinction of the dinosaurs which had ruled the earth for nearly 160 milion years. They appeared in late Trias and all of a sudden they all disappeared in late Creta. It is said that the main cause of the extinction was a asteroid falled into Mexico Bay, making the disorder of the global climate.

Another example of the horror of eruption refers to the volcano Laki which causes incredible deaths of quite a large number of People living in England during the summer of 1783. English experts states that the air-cloud from Laki gave much affection and killed over 10,000 people.

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