
Honduo (虹�) or Honduo Hsien Tsung (虹�仙宗) belongs to the Energy Implantation tradition (栽接法門) of the Chinese Taoist psychophysical cultivation system (�家性命雙修). The Energy Implantation tradition is the less known of various Taoist cultivation schools because of the way in which it has been passed down from generation to generation.

The practice itself is based on daily meditation and exercise, one-on-one mentoring and group practice among disciples. Its aims include Total Health, Spiritual Advancement and Afterlife Readiness. Honduo claims not to be affiliated to any of the mainstream religions, but is most akin to the philosophy of .

The cultivation process emphasises Qi (Vital Ether) circulation, fostering of Primordial Qi and reversion to the Pure Yang Body, among other things, and health benefits come as a byproduct of this process (unlike ). A distinctive feature of this process is the transmission of the Master's energy (known as the Protonumen Energy 元神能�) directly into the disciple's body. This, therefore, involves "External Enabling Force" (他力) and has put Honduo at the centre of a centuries-old debate within the Taoist community regarding total self-reliance versus partial reliance on this external expedient.

The current grandmaster of Honduo is Taiwan-based Mr Wu Ming-ta (�明�), a controversial figure in the religious circles and among various human energy cultivation schools. Wu and his followers claim to have the power to detect and locate, unaided, specific zones in human brain that correspond to permanent or fleeting states and activities, both physical and mental, and to decipher the empirical justifications of many religious tenets, particularly those of Buddhism and Taoism. These claims have not been been corroborated by systematic scientific studies or accepted by mainstream religious denominations, although Wu claims that his findings are in support of advances in neuroscience.

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