Hervé Laborne

Hervé Laborne (born 7 October 1946) is a French electrical engineer and President of university. He was Director General of the ESME-Sudria from 2003 till 2011.
Graduate from Supélec in 1970, he was teacher and researcher at this grande école in the field of control and energy management during 10 years. Head work at Supélec from 1973 to 1980, he managed the electrical College of the Saint Joseph University till 1986. In 1986, he moved to ESME-Sudria as scientific director and head of the energy conversion department.
He also reached at the École Normale Supérieure de Cachan. In 2003, he is nominated Director General of ESME-Sudria. During that period, he was also vice-president of the Union of Independent Grandes Écoles. He retired in 2011, replaced by Roger Ceschi at the head of ESME-Sudria.
He was also coordinator of the disability working group at the Conférence des grandes écoles from 2007 to 2011.
* Chevalier des Palmes Académiques
* Gold Medal of the Lebanese National Education
* Hervé Laborne, Convertisseurs assistés par un réseau alternatif, tome 2. Environnement , Eyrolles, 480p, 1992, ,
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