Hereford Cathedral School Chapel Choir

The Hereford Cathedral School Chapel Choir was formed with the arrival of David R Evans as Director of Music at the School. The choir is composed of over one hundred voices, made up of anybody in the 3rd year or above.
The Symphony Orchestra and David Evans
David Evans was previously Director of Music at Uppingham School and was responsible for the building of the school's £3.2m music school. He came to Hereford Cathedral School as Director of Music in September 2006, and since then has formed the Chapel Choir by amalgamating what was the Intermediate Choir, Male Voice Choir and Chamber Choir. The School Symphony Orchestra has continued to flourish, in May 2007 performed Grieg's Piano Concerto, with soloist Liam Dunachie, Haydn Trumpet Concert in E flat and the Wagner Meistersingers overture, in Hereford Cathedral. In May 2007 the school performed the piece written by Deep Purple legend Jon Lord for massed choirs, orchestra, piano and tenor solo, stupendously sung by Jon Weller, Head of Music at HCJS 2002-07.In May 2008, the orchestra performed Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No.4, under the direction of James Wall, Organ Scholar 07-08,who was also the soloist in a performance of Handel's Organ Concerto in F. In addition to Bruch violin concerto no 1, slow movt, for which the soloist was Anna Taylor. In the second half of the concert was the Vivaldi Gloria. In May 2009, the summer concert, included, Camille Sains Saens's Organ symphony, soloist Daniel Dennis, also Elegie by Faure soloist Joseph Fisher, and the Mozart Requiem.
The Choir
There are over 100 members of the Chapel Choir, the choir performs weekly in Hereford Cathedral, but often travels further afield and has performed in Worcester and Gloucester Cathedrals.
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