Herb the movie

Herb is an independent film created by Cody Petersen. It involves a video game called "Herb" (also the title of the movie) with a main character who's name is Herb the monkey. The main bad guy Bob (Michael Majors) developes a mind of his own, and kicks Herb out of the video game so he can kill him and will never respawn. There are two kids to stop him, Cody (Cody Petersen) and Jim (Jordan Gall) who also happen to be Herb's biggest fans. So now Bob is trying to kill Cody and Jim. This movie is not rated but has mild language, talks of "smoking pot" and action sequences, which would most likely fall under the PG or PG-13 sections.
Cody Rogers- Cody Petersen
Bob- Michael Majors
Jim Johnson- Jordan Gall
Old man Smithers- Omid Sharifi
Cory Petersen
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