Haxor Radio

The format of Haxor Radio was similar to that of a talk-show, with topics mainly regarding computer hacking and phreaking. The hosts were usually people known as Av1d, Johnny Hacker and hairball, but others such as WhiteSword and Big E have appeared as hosts. With the exception of episodes one and eleven, guests were involved in the show.
Notable Guest Appearances
John Draper (Captain Crunch), a former phone phreak

Jason Scott, owner of the textfiles.com web site and creator of a documentary on BBSes

Joybubbles, an early phone phreak

Jeremy Hammond, a political activist, convicted hacker and founder of HackThisSite.org

Episode List
Episode 1: Remobs and Elevators
Duration: 33m:58s

Date: April 16, 2004

Hosted by: Av1d, Johnny Hacker, and Hairball


Episdoe 2: CyberArmy & HBX
Duration: 103m:40s


Hosted by: Av1d, Johnny Hacker, hairball, Kizzle and Whitesword

Guests: 813, MrYowler, sybah

Episode 3: Jason Scott Tells All
Duration: 149m:31s

Date: April 19, 2004

Hosted by:A v1d, Johnny Hacker, hairball, Kizzle

Guests: Jason Scott, lowtec, sybah

Episode 4: JoyBubbles Bonanza
Duration: 169m:26s

Date: April 22, 2004

Hosted by:Av1d, Johnny Hacker, hairball, Kizzle

Guests: 813, Joybubbles, Majestic

Episode 5: Cap'n Crunch Infomercial
Duration: 86m:38s

Date: April 24, 2004

Hosted by: Av1d, Johnny Hacker, hairball, Kizzle

Guests: John Draper

Episode 5.5: The Default Sploit
Duration: 11m:30s


Hosted by: Johnny Hacker

Guests: Decoder, Doug, hairball, Lucky225, Majestic, Royal, WhiteSword

Episode 6: Strom Carlson Phreaks Out
Duration: 90m:24s

Date:April 25, 2004

Hosted by: Johnny Hacker, hairball

Guests: Lowtec, Strom Carlson, Tron

Episode 7.5: Radio Slap Reloaded
Duration: 91m:34s

Date: May 2, 2004

Hosted by: Johnny Hacker, Avid, hairball

Guests: Big E

Episode 7.7: The Blue Box Sploit
Duration: 49m:57s

Date: May, 2004

Hosted by: Johnny Hacker

Guests: Avid, Hairball, Spastic

Episode 8: Trixter's Crypto Rama
Duration: 205m:56s

Date: May 9, 2004

Hosted by: Johnny Hacker, Avid, Hairball, Big E

Guests: Trixter

Episode 9: The Exploits of Skope Six
Duration: 111m:10s

Date: May 27, 2004

Hosted by: Johnny Hacker, Avid, Hairball

Guests: Sybah, domanitus

Episode 10: Beave on Death Row Cluster
Duration: 94m:35s

Date: May 28, 2004

Hosted by: Johnny Hacker, Avid, Hairball

Guests: Beave

Episode 11: The Heart of Haxor
Duration: 140m:23s

Date: June 4, 2004

Hosted by: Johnny Hacker, Avid, hairball


Episode 12: Peace, Love and Anarchy, with Hackthissite.org
Duration: 111m:09s

Date: June 21, 2004

Hosted by: Johnny Hacker, Avid, hairball

Guests: Jeremy Hammond

Episode 13: 802.11 with Chaz & Nexis
Duration: 142m:52s


Hosted by:


Episode 14: Hacking Lectures w/ SoulSyphon
Duration: 134m:54s


Hosted by:


Episode 15: Reverse Engineering w/ Spiffomatic64
Duration: 136m:04s


Hosted by:


Episode 16: Hairball's Ultimate Fight
Duration: 49m06s


Hosted by:


Episode 17: Banks
Duration: 299m:56s


Hosted by:


The show was initially called "Hacker Laser", but was renamed to "Haxor Radio" after a crew shake-up.
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