

The title hartattk (derived from heartattck)was first bestowed to Christopher Allen Dudley the keyboard and sound fx istrumentalist from the succesful band Underoath.


On October 4th, 2005 Underoath’s “they're’re only chasing safety” special edition album was released. Along with the album a DVD was included in the special edition. This DVD provided an insight into the band, their mentality towards the album and how they went about making it, also revealed was the nicknames of one of the members. Chris had received many nicknames from his fellow band members all of which refer to his overweight, these include heartattck, blob and fat.

The Adopted One

Around about 2005 an Australian bloke adopted this name due to his mates calling him fatty, instead of taking it as an insult he wore it as a badge of honour. While his true identity stays anonymous he can be found lurking around on the net...
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