Harlan Hill

Harlan Hill (born November 12, 1990) is an American Internet entrepreneur and political consultant from Charleston, South Carolina. He is the CEO of TallyVoting, an American election technology company based in Washington, DC and political consultant.
Early life and education
Hill is the son of two South Carolina lawyers and was born in Charleston, SC. He spent is summers working in their law firm in Ravenel, SC starting at 5 years old. In 1999, he started his first business, a web design firm. He graduated from Charleston Day School and went on to Porter-Gaud School in Charleston, SC before attending the George Washington University in Washington, DC, focusing on economics and political science.
Hill has been a consultant to the campaigns of former Washington, DC Mayor, Vince Gray, Congresswoman Gwen Graham, former CEO of the 2012 Democratic Convention, Steve Kerrigan, Congressman Mike Honda, Congressman Seth Moulton, Congresswoman Chellie Pingree, Congresswoman Lois Frankel, Judge Vic Rawl and President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz.
Hill started his political career in 2007 working for Bill Wiggin of Leominster and, at the time, the conservative Shadow Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries. Hill was focused on ghost writing and editing Wiggin’s book. The next year, Hill began work on the data and field operation of the Liberal Democrat party in Liverpool, on City Council Member Colin Eldridge’s unsuccessful bid against Luciana Berger for the Liverpool Wavertree seat. In 2009, Hill formed a Washington, DC based political consulting firm, Code & Politics. Hill would go on to consult 26 US Congressional campaigns, Statewide candidates, International races and political parties, Fortune 500 companies and labor unions, including the American Federation of Teachers, Service Employees International Union, the Florida Education Association and the Pennsylvania State Education Association.
Vic Rawl for US Senate
That year, Hill joined Judge bid for US Senate in South Carolina as the campaign’s Digital Director. The campaign made international news when it lost the Democratic primary to Alvin Greene in a surprise upset and unsuccessfully protested the outcome of the race.
Hill received media attention for his work on NoVoucherTax.org. No Voucher Tax was a successful, but controversial campaign to rally conservatives in Pennsylvania against the formerly popular school voucher bill, SB 1. The campaign drove a wedge in the Republican caucus in Harrisburg and public outcry led to SB 1's defeat in 2011.
In May 2014, Hill announced he would begin focusing full time on the election technology startup, TallyVoting. Tally builds sub $100, ruggedized and fully auditable electronic voting machines for deployment in the elections of developing democracies in Latin America, Africa and Asia.
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