GTA IV transport routes

GTA IV transport routes refers to fictional locations in the video game Grand Theft Auto IV.


The 3 train - Easton, Hove Beach, Schottler, Huntington Street, Francis International Airport, Lynch Street, Huntington Street, Manganese East.

The J train - Quartz East, Vespucci Circus, Vauxite, Quartz West, Manganese West, Hermatite, Feldspar, Castle Gardens, Emerald.

The 8 train - Francis International Airport, Huntington Street, Schottler, Hove Beach, Easton.

The A train - Emerald, Castle Gardens, Feldspar, Hermatite, Manganese West, Quartz West,Vauxite, Vespucci Circus, Quartz East.

The C train - City Hall, Easton, East Park, North Park, Frankfort High, San Quentin Avenue, Windmill Street, Frankfort Low, West Park, Frankfort Avenue, Suffolk.

The K train - Windmill Street, San Quentin Avenue, Frankfort High, North Park, East Park, Easton, City Hall, Suffolk, Frankfort Avenue, West Park, Frankfort Low.


City shuttle 1 - Heli Tours, Borlock Road, Firefly Island, Broker-Dukes Expressway, Francis International Airport (Departures).

City shuttle 2 - Alderney State Correctional Facility, Plumbers Skyway, Booth Tunnel, Colony Island.

Airport Express - Francis International Airport (Car Park), Charge Island, Northern Expressway (Bohan).

B86 - Quartz Street, Charge Island, Francis International Airport (Bus stop), Hove Beach Subway Station.

Boat service (rare)

Acton Industrial Port - Happiness Island.

Charge Island - Dukes Bay Bridge.

Chopper Services (Extremely rare):

Francis International Airport to Beaverhead Avenue (North Alderney) Tuesday between 13:00-15:20.
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