

The art or science of taking into account the environmental impact of an object or activity as a decision on how and when to use such object or perform such activity. The act of practicing environmentalist approaches in making decisions in terms of lifestyle choices and consumerism.

Rating the value of using or buying a product or performing an activity based on its ecological impact with a higher valve being assigned to what product or activity has a lesser environmental impact. Living a green lifestyle is made possible by practicing greenometrics.


Riding a bike to the market for stamps is a more greenometric choice than driving a car to the market.

Buying an air conditioner that has a higher EER rating and has a longer life than a unit that has a lower EER or a shorter life is a better greenometric choice than buying the shorter life unit.

The term was first coined in 2008 by Chris Garcia as a way of expressing the value system many people give to prodcuts or activities when making their decision to buy or do that activity. The terms was coined in an attempt to help people and business gain a better understanding of how to quantify their desire to comply with the notion of enviromentalism and consumer prudent buying tendencies.
Recycling cans has more greenometric value than throwing them away.

In reality, the "GREENOMETRIC APPROACH" has been in practice for years. Many people considered it "going green." However, many people wanted to live an eco-friendly life but couldn't quite understand how to consolidate their current lives with one of enviromentaly friendly choices. Greenometric choices allow practicers to to measure the benefits and disadvantages of one choice over another in terms of enviromental impacts.
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