Gravity chess

Gravity chess is a chess variant, where the primary difference from regular chess is the presence of gravity. In particular, after every normal chess move, each piece "drops" as far as possible towards the eighth rank. Pawns serve as "anchors", and thus are not affected by gravity.
Game rules
Gravity chess follows the normal rules of chess (including castling, check, checkmate, etc.), but with the following special differences:
* After each turn, if a piece can increase its rank without a pawn or other piece in the way, it does so;
* Black cannot castle;
* Captures happen immediately, but the presence of checks is only calculated after gravity happens.
The idea of "falling pieces" in chess variants is often traced back to the development of online chess, where boards on a screen are often displayed "vertically". Early variants of gravity chess, such as Pippin Barr's version, developed in 2019, had gravity act in the direction of increasing files, and pawns did not serve as anchors. This variant, however, led to draws most of the time.
The first international tournament was held in Toronto, Canada in 2022.
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