Grand strategy game

A grand strategy game is a strategy game or wargame that places focus on grand strategy: military strategy at the level of movement and use of an entire nation state or empire's resources. Such games typically focus on a war or series of wars, often over a long period of time. Individual units, even armies, may not be represented; instead, attention is given to theaters of operation. All of the resources of the nations involved may be mobilized as part of a long-term struggle. The simulation typically involves political and economic as well as military conflict. At the most extreme end of this is the branch of strategy games in which the player assumes the role of the government of an entire nation-state and in which not conducting war is a possibility. Due to its complexity, this is rarely seen outside of computer games.

Examples of grand strategy games where military tactics are highly abstracted or eliminated entirely include the board games Risk and Diplomacy, and the video games Europa Universalis, Victoria: An Empire Under the Sun, Hearts of Iron and Supreme Ruler 2010.
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