Making History: The Great War

Making History: The Great War is a World War I grand strategy computer game releasing on April 4th by developer Muzzy Lane Software. Making History: The Great War is the successor to Making History: The War of the World and gives players the ability to take full control of any world nation, colonies, regions, cities, and military units during the time leading up to and during the First World War.
"Making History: The Great War" is a turn based strategy game of global war set in the volatile period of the early 20th century. As leader of your nation you have the power to choose your path and alter the course of history. Skillful management of your economic resources will be required - failing to invest in technology and arms can be fatal, but overspending may lead to a collapse in government support and widespread rebellion. You will be able to interact with other nations in a struggle for diplomacy, economic, and military might with scenarios that realistically reflect the time period. Other starting dates are playable using mods created with the game editor. Multiplayer games can be conducted via LAN, or using the company's website, which offers a multiplayer service that saves and runs games in the cloud, allowing asymmetrical gameplay.
Reception & Coverage
The following links are to recent interviews and media coverage prior to the release.

StrategyInformer interview
Venturebeat Interview
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