Gox ltd

GOX Ltd is headquartered in London, UK, GOX (a.k.a. Global Outsourcing eXchange) provides outsourcing advisory services to businesses in the United States, United Kingdom and the European Union. They are a member of the National Outsourcing Association.
The eXchange
Services are provided in conjunction with an "eXchange", managed by GOX. The eXchange consists of four parts: Clients (the users of outsourced services), Suppliers (the providers of outsourced services), Process (methods for sourcing and managing services) and Support (consultancy services provided both by the company and by its "extended network of other end-users").
Official Websites
1. GOX Company Website http://www.goxonline.com
2. GOX Newsletter & Publications http://www.goxonline.com/publications.do
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