Architectural and decorative colored glass industries have always had problems with the durability of colored paint on glass, especially under conditions of high moisture. Research was conducted to develop an effective organic paint system for coloring clear glass. Previous glass paint system manufactures were using a butadiene rubber modified styrene polymer coating for coloring clear glass. The glass paints are solvent-soluble, evaporation drying, and maintained a level of translucence, while providing vivid colors. Under high moisture conditions, however, the glass paints were flaking off. The manufacturer already had a considerable investment in application equipment for this coating formulation, and was pleased with the aesthetics. Laboratory analysis revealed that the glass paint developed weak molecular binding forces, no covalent chemical bonds, and little mechanical adhesion. When the glass paint was stressed by water immersion, the weak molecular bond forces were overcome, with resultant de-lamination. The process was accelerated by water of high purity or high temperature. Microscopic examination showed that de-lamination occurred on both freshly fractured glass faces and original smooth surfaces. Inter-facial chemical bonds were established with dramatic increases in bond strength by the use of coupling agents. Chrome complexes and titanates were added to the glass paint and were effective in establishing permanent inter-facial chemical bonds to glass. glass paint is now used for colored glass backsplashes, colored glass splashbacks, architectural colored spandrel glass, reverse painted glass, back painted glass, colored glass counter tops, colored furniture glass, and much more... *glass paint