Give A Day Global

Give A Day Global is a nonprofit organization based in San Francisco. Their mission is to connect international travelers with daylong volunteer opportunities and to help their nonprofit partners build capacity and expand their networks of support. They operate in Africa, Asia and Latin America, where they partner with local nonprofit organizations which host one day volunteers. Give A Day Global has partner organizations located in South Africa, Kenya, Rwanda, Ecuador, Costa Rica, and Thailand.
Give A Day Global is in the process of obtaining its 501(c)(3) nonprofit status from the IRS. While Give A Day Global is waiting for this process to be completed, Silicon Valley Community Foundation , a nonprofit public benefit corporation with 501(c)(3) tax exempt status, has agreed to act as Give A Day Global’s fiscal sponsor and accept tax-deductible gifts on its behalf.
Partner organizations
South Africa: Masicorp and Baphumelele Children's Home

Kenya: Zawadisha
Rwanda: Agahozo-Shalom Youth Village
Ecuador: CENIT
Costa Rica: Earth Equilibrium
Thailand: Warm Heart Worldwide
Give A Day Global was founded in 2012 by Kerry Rodgers, Courtney Regan and Kathleen Ruffle, who shared a vision of making international volunteering more accessible to international travelers. Adrian Smith joined as a co-founder in 2014.
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