Gerard Gertoux

Gerard Gertoux (born on March 19, 1955, in Lyon) is a French chronologist, historian and researcher in the field of Near Eastern archaeology and Ancient History, particularly Egyptian, Assyrian, Jewish, and research on the Tetragrammaton.
Gertoux argued that one of the several ancient vocalizations of the Tetragrammaton was Yehowah, just as Thomas Römer has proposed 'Yahô' or 'Yahû, F. C. Burkitt for Yaho or Yeho, Max Reisel for YeHÅ«àH or YaHÅ«àH, etc. contra the mainstream consensus that it was only Yahweh. Gertoux's astronomical synchronization into their chronologies of ancient history have offered new conclusions.
Gérard Gertoux was born on March 19, 1955
In 1979, Gertoux graduated Engineering physics from the École nationale supérieure d'ingénieurs électriciens de Grenoble (I.N.P.G.),
As an independent scholar, Gertoux began his studies in the Tetragrammaton. Gertoux decided to publish his findings by Editions L'Harmattan in 1999, after receiving comments for his work, in a book entitled: Un Historique du nom divin: Un Nom Encens. Un Historique du nom divin: Un Nom Encens was translated into English as The Name of God Y.eH.oW.aH Which is pronounced as it is Written I_Eh_oU_Ah. Its Story and published in 2002 by the University Press of America, with minor updates and an expanded appendix.
In 2004, Gertoux obtained a master's degree in Archaeology and History of Ancient Worlds from the Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée (MOM), Lumière University Lyon 2, with a dissertation entitled L'œil de l'histoire: la chronologie. Les éclipses dans l'antiquité: approche scientifique d'une chronologie absolue under the supervision of professors Yves Roman and Michel Debidour. In 2005, Gertoux continued his doctoral studies in archaeology and history of the ancient world at the Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée, Université Lumière-Lyon-II, with his thesis Les conjonctions dans l'antiquité comme les éclipses: approche scientifique d'une chronologie absolue (HCL TM 104 at the MOM library) under the supervision of Pierre Villard, and the defense of the dissertation with the six jurors was scheduled for December 2007.
The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe and Human Rights Without Frontiers report that Gertoux is a victim of religious discrimination in France because for September 2007 the defense was canceled, when the university becomes aware of Gertoux's religious affiliation. Pierre Villard tried to support him by personally recommending his thesis for transfer to another university. The Coordination des Associations & Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience informed that Daniel Bodi of the Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (INALCO) agreed to supervise Gertoux's doctoral thesis in 2009, but the INALCO refused to accept him as a transfer, even though he received the agreement of a research director and two of his original jurors. Gertoux claims that he proposed to start a new and different doctoral dissertation in order to be accepted, but he was not accepted as a student either. Human Rights Without Frontiers informed that "on 10 February 2011 the Administrative Court of Paris (Dossier n°: 0918003/7-3) refused to validate his complaint to religious discrimination". The Coordination des Associations & Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience says that Gertoux is "an example of the influence of MIVILUDES and the black list" and adds that MIVILUDES "has indoctrinated everyone against minority movements" and to all government ministries including the ministry of education, which is responsible for the management of the universities.
Gertoux made major studies in the area of the Tetragrammaton, creating reactions form other scholars. An exeample of that reaction is Christian Encyclopedia]. Gertoux's research provoked reactions from various scholars, notably Robert J. Wilkinson.
Egyptian, Assyrian and biblical chronologies
Gertoux created Egyptian, Assyrian and biblical chronologies. An example of the reception fro various scholars is by Hermann Hunger
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