George A. Berglund

George A. Berglund, born 1957, is a Swedish opinion polls and market analyst, trained in marketing, statistics and business administration at Uppsala University.
He has been active since the 1980s internationally and in Sweden and has worked at several research institutes; IMAB Industriell Marknadsanalys, TEMO; Synovate, , IT/management company Sorgente and advertising agency Grönberg & Co
During the , when the GDP growth was negative 3 years in a row, Berglund conducted several high-profile analyses concerning IT investments. The analysis was published in the leading IT newspaper Computer Sweden, IDG.
Berglund works with HR -surveys / -analysis, customer loyalty studies, market analysis, brand valuation, brand building, social networking, panel quality building and public polls.
Berglund performed first advertising effectiveness of balloon flight in 1995. (Ballongboken-Drömmen om att flyga, Eric Nyberg, Göran Tonström, Norstedts 1996 ISBN 91-1-943552-5. p 224)
Berglund was one of the very few people who realized and warned in 1999 of alarming market data on
Berglund has been involved in the lively debate concerning commercial flights at Ärna airport since 2008.
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