Geopolitical Futures

Geopolitical Futures is an online subscription-based publication, founded in 2015 by international affairs expert George Friedman. Geopolitical Futures focuses on predicting global events before they occur, a practice developed by Friedman over the course of his career.
Geopolitical Futures produces annual and 25-year forecasts for global events, as well as assessments for specific regions. These reports are supplemented by daily updates in the form of "Reality Checks" and "Briefings." Other products include "Weekly Graphics," which are original images displaying information in the form of charts or maps.
Subscribers to the company receive daily emails every morning, as well as further emails that are written as events develop. Geopolitical Futures also has a free option, in which readers can sign up for free email updates.
Some of the events successfully predicted by George Friedman and Geopolitical Futures include the increasing fracturing of the European Union, heightened militarism and economic pitfalls in China, and financial struggles for nations that rely heavily on exports.
The company is based in Austin, Texas, United States, and has a team of close to 20 global employees, including analysts, editors and graphics designers.
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