Geoffrey Hoppe

Geoffrey Hoppe (born Geoffrey Alan Hoppe on August 26, 1955, in Appleton, Wisconsin United States) is the founder and CEO of the Crimson Circle Energy Company, Inc.
Hoppe claims that in 1997 on an airplane flight a non-physical entity he calls "Tobias of the Crimson Council" presented himself and began conversing with him. Hoppe contends that since then he has been able to channel Tobias, as well as the ascended masters Adamus Saint-Germain and Kuthumi. He claims to do so by going through the process of making his consciousness and physical body available and allowing Tobias, Saint-Germain or Kuthumi to speak through him. After he left the military he worked for several advertising agencies and manufacturing companies in the US Midwest and Texas in senior marketing positions. At age 28 he started a marketing consulting company in Dallas, Texas (USA), operating it for 12 years with industrial and high tech clients throughout the United States. In addition to the marketing agency, he co-founded several other business ventures including Aircell Inc., an aviation telecommunications company, where he served as Vice President of Sales and Marketing until 2001. As a result of his involvement with Aircell he holds two US patents in telecommunication systems.
In the mid-nineties Hoppe and his wife and partner Linda Benyo became involved with the metaphysical through the work of Lee Carroll, channeler for Kryon. as well as the birth of the "Kryon Quarterly Magazine" (later renamed "In the Spirit").
Tobias of the Crimson Council
Following in the footsteps of Lee Carroll, Hoppe established himself as a channeler in his own right in 1999. Tobias - according to Hoppe - is an angelic being who has lived many lifetimes on Earth, but is most noted for his lifetime as Tobit (also known as Tobias), one of the main characters in the apocryphal biblical Book of Tobit.
The Crimson Circle
Hoppe began sharing Tobias’ messages publicly in 1999 on a monthly basis.
In 2006 the Crimson Circle Energy Company, Inc. was founded to incorporate the work Hoppe and his partner Benyo were doing based on what they termed "The Tobias Materials." The Crimson Circle Energy Company, Inc. offers holistic and spiritual lifestyle messages, products and services. One of its primary purposes is to support a worldwide group of affiliate teachers through its Advanced Studies program.
The core message of the material is that God is within and that humanity is currently going through an unprecedented time of change where it is moving from a God-as-external consciousness to a God-is-within consciousness.
* Humanity is transitioning from the age of the mind into the age of divine consciousness, moving beyond a dualistic existence and the limited human mind into a state of unity consciousness and divine intelligence.
Selected writings and other publications
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