List of modern channelled texts

This is a list of notable modern purportedly channelled texts. It contains texts first published in the 19th century or later.
Timeline of channeling
This list compiles dates that are claimed the channelings took place, regardless of what years material was published:
* 1828-1844 Book of Commandments (called Doctrine and Covenants in later editions) by Joseph Smith Jr.
* 1900s The Cosmic Tradition by Max Théon and Alma Théon
* 1904 Book of the Law by Aleister Crowley
* 1913-1918 Toward the Light by Johanne Agerskov and published by Michael Agerskov
*1938-1980 Teachings of Silver Birch by A.W. Austen
* 1952-1978 Ashtar by George Van Tassel
* 1953-1971 The Voice of God by Eileen Caddy
* 1963-1984 Seth Material by Jane Roberts
* 1965-1972 A Course In Miracles (said to be from Jesus) by Helen Schucman (with typing assistance from William Thetford)
* 1973-present The Michael Teachings by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
* 1977-present Ramtha by JZ Knight
* 1981-1984 The Law of One: The Ra Material by L/L Research (Carla Rueckert, Don Elkins, and Jim McCarty)
* 1985-present Bashar by Darryl Anka
* 1987-present "The Way of Mastery" (said to be from Jesus/Jeshua, re-establishing His full teachings) by Jayem
* 1988-present Abraham by Esther Hicks
* 1989-present Kryon by Lee Carroll
* 1991-2005 Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch
* 1992-present Arten and Pursah, by Gary Renard
* 1997-present Tobias by Geoffrey Hoppe
* 2020-present For Humanity by Lubna Kharusi
* 2010-present I Am The Word by Paul Selig
* 2018-present The Man Being Book Series: Dramos and Bohemias by (Deborah Louise Levin and M.V.)
Works of automatic writing
* 1890s-1908 The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ (said to be transcribed from the Akashic Records) by Levi H. Dowling
*1880-1881 Oahspe: A New Bible by John Ballou Newbrough
Works of hypnotherapists
* 4 Books by Michael Newton
*books by Dolores Cannon
Works of mediums
* 45 books by Jane Roberts
* 3 books by John Edward
* Sylvia Browne (Selected Bibliography)
* 5 books by James Van Praagh
* 2 books by Lisa Williams
* 3 books by John Holland
* 2 books by Sally Morgan
* All the books by Chico Xavier
* 8 books by Paul Selig
* 3 books by Deborah Louise Levin
Other works
* The Urantia Book
* 10 books by Vladimir Megre
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