Gender marketing

Gender marketing analytics isn’t a new concept, but it’s a highly efficient technique that is widely underused. The businesses that are savvy enough to use it are witnessing substantial hikes in their conversion rates and revenue.
Every marketer dreams of developing a strategy that suits both their male and female customers. However, in order to appease your audience, you first have to learn everything you can about them. All types of data is being collected about consumers, allowing brands and marketing experts to properly target their prospects at the best times, on the right channels and using the right language.
But what’s more telling about consumers is their gender. The psyche of the male and female shopper is something you don’t want to overlook when creating your marketing collateral. Once you understand the differences between most men and women consumers, you can make more informed decisions about the content and ads you create. But one thing that’s plaguing marketers is not knowing whether certain customers are a male or female based solely on his or her name.
It’s Not Prejudice, It’s Science
Over the years, gender marketing has become a big deal because science has proven that the way men and women think are indeed different and it affects how they shop. It all began a little before the turn of the century when marketers decided to approach their strategies with an emphasis on gender.
It was found that men and women were looking for better shopping experiences, which lead to marketers researching how to appease their customers’ demand. Here’s what they found.
Men Buy, Women Shop
The purchasing behavior of men and women are widely different, with most men going in for the purchase, while women browse before committing. This pattern was seen across cultures and regions, which brought about this conclusion. The same is true for internet shoppers - men tend to target specific products and have a general idea of what they’re looking for, while women like to shop their options and sometimes end up purchasing something other than what they initially intended to buy. It seems majority of women are about the shopping experience rather than actual consumption.
It’s also true that online women shoppers remain on websites longer than their male counterparts. Both like to hunt for what they’re looking for, but in different ways. Here’s a look at some of the differences between the two genders:
* Women shop between midnight and 1am and men between 7pm and 8pm.
* On average, women take 14 minutes to shop and 10 minutes for men.
* Women prefer sites that are long (requiring the scroll mechanism).
How to Put this to Use
Plenty of research has been for the sake of gender marketing, which is great news for you. The following are the various aspects you want to consider when implementing gender marketing tactics.
* The language: When marketing towards men, you should use content that is short and concise. Women prefer content that is fairly detailed and uses decorative language.
* Page view: Women have a better peripheral view than men, enabling them to see broader. For this reason, using a slideshow of products would be ideal. Men have a linear perception, which is why hierarchal product categories would suffice.
* Social proof: Women oftentimes base their purchasing decisions off of other people’s opinions, which is why online reviews and social sharing are important. Using social share buttons on your product pages can help customers share your products with others.
* Influencer support: Having popular bloggers recommend your products can also persuade female buyers to purchase from your brand.
* Customer reviews: Allowing customers to leave reviews on your site can help convince women buyers to purchase your products.
* Building trust: Men consumers tend to make their own buying decisions, while women rely on trust and understanding before making a purchase.
Knowing Who You’re Marketing To
You simply can’t put any of this information to use if you don’t know who you’re marketing to. Personalizing your marketing based on gender is an excellent way to increase conversion rates. However, this is sometimes hindered due to lack of information, such as when collecting only names and emails for a newsletter. Knowing the gender of these names isn’t always simple.
This is where a gender checker, such as Name Gender Pro, can come in handy. A quick and seamless name gender check can make a world of difference in your marketing initiatives, whether it’s for ad retargeting, email marketing or content writing. Making the mistake of categorizing males as a females and vice versa can be devastating to your campaign.
It’s important to utilize a name gender checker database and the above-mentioned techniques to win over customers and prospects. It’s equally essential to keep an eye on trends and research revolving around gender marketing.
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