Frank Ideas and Execution Inc.

FRANK is a full service Creative Services Agency based in Toronto, Canada
While the company's core competency is design for print and interactive, their focus has been evolving over time to include stategic counsel on designing, developing and implementing communities in the Social Media Space. Their mission is to help businesses achieve strategic advantage by using their marketing resources efficiently within specific online communities. By creating innovative partnerships and driving ideas forward with excellent creative, FRANK brings effective marketing to a constantly evolving global community. In print, on the web or on the street, FRANK harnesses the power of ideation and bring the talent together to create compelling experiences that their clients and their customers value.
Borderless Media
Today we live our lives invested in an electronic, information based environment that has become as imperceptible to us as water is to a fish. It is difficult, if not impossible to imagine life now without camera phones, text messaging, wireless networks, interactive tv, digital video and photography, streaming content, online shopping or even the internet itself. Modern marketers need to constantly review and revise their strategies to get ahead, stay on track, or else risk being left behind by the pace of change.
Societies have always been shaped more by the nature of the media by which humans communicate than by the content of the communication. The result is an increasingly crowded and noisy marketplace where consumers are faced with an overwhelming number of choices and too many people saying the same thing. Successful companies know to get off the beaten path and constantly seek out and try new ideas.
Smart, stylish, outspoken and informed, the men and women engaged within in the social networking grid are the fastest growing and most influential consumer group in the market today and they are spending money on consumer goods like never before. Getting products in their hands is one of the toughest obstacles facing marketers today. On tv, radio, in print, on billboards, in magazines, newspapers and on the web, these savvy consumers are bombarded daily with messages on every level. Being heard above the noise and standing out from the crowd is more elusive than ever before. Fabulous opportunities exist within a well organized, vertically integrated cross-marketing platform that gets a company's brand in front of the vanguard on a grassroots level.
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