FU Tauri b

FU Tauri b, also known as FU Tau b, is a confirmed gas giant exoplanet, which orbits the M-type star, FU Tauri, which is 140 parsecs away (457 light years).
FU Tauri b was discovered in 2008, using the direct imaging method. It was discovered by B. Stelzer, A. Scholz, C. Argiroffiand and G. Micela.
FU Tauri b is 457 light years away. It has a mass of 15M<sub>j</sub> and has a radius of 0.9 to 1.1M<sub>j</sub>, however, this is only an estimation, (M<sub>j</sub> meaning Jupiter mass). FU Tauri b orbits 800 AU from its star, far outside the habitable zone, or "Goldilocks Zone". It takes 101,250.8 years to complete 1 orbit. For reference, the furthest planet from the Sun in our Solar System, Neptune, takes only 165 years to complete an orbit. This means Neptune could orbit the Sun 613 times before FU Tauri b orbits FU Tauri once. FU Tauri b has an equilibrium temperature of 2375 Kelvin (2101.85 Celsius or 3815.33 Fahrenheit) and an apparent magnitude of 20.48.
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