Fried earth

Hans G. Doller
The german born painter and visionary created, over a period of 45 years, a powerful body of art,
which is regarded by many private collectors, museums and galleries around the world.
Doller has lived in various countries, and with different cultures and societies.
This has given him a global scope of "Humanity in Progress". His latest work is inspired by this theme.
The artist is currently working on a series of paintings about: Global Warming.
Living in Costa Rica at the present time, Doller was moved by the obvious effects of Global Warming in a country
where vast Rainforest's are slowly disappearing, being replaced by Beachfront Resorts and Highrise Condo's.
His paintings: FRIED EARTH, and GAMBLING WITH NATURE are stunning visions for what lies ahead if mankind does not
wake up, and take this problem serious. The Earth is our Home, and it is the only Home we've got!
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