
FreeMedForms is a set of Open Source software built for medical pratice management and electronic medical records (EMR), developped by medical doctors and computer scientists, available in BSD License.
The FreeMedForms project was started from scratch in october 2008 by a community of medical doctors.
In 2010, FreeDiams (its prescriber/interaction checker) was sponsored by the Debian Med team. The whole FreeMedForms project is supported by the OpenSuse Medical team and the Fedora Medical team (in progress).
GNUmed uses FreeDiams as prescriber and interaction checker since 2010.
Scientific documentation
The FreeDiams drug-drug interaction checking uses the data provided by AFSSAPS which a french governmental organization.
In 2009, Rodriguez-Terol and collagues compared the quality of drug-drug interaction checker software, the AFSSAPS "Thésaurus des interactions" is part of the tested sources.
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