Freddy and the trojan horse

"Freddy and the Trojan Horse" is a single from Swedish band The Radio Dept.. It was released on June 4, 2008 along with 3 other tracks on the title track EP and will be included on the band's newest studio album "Clinging to a Scheme" that will be released on September 10, 2008.

The song is critical of current Swedish prime minister Frederik Reinfeldt, whom the band seems to have previously supported but with whom the band is now disillusioned.


Freddie, I know
When your time comes it won't be pretty, no
You reap what you sow
You and your friends
The trojan horse you came in left a stench
A carcass in the trench

Freddie, one day
All of the workers that you led astray
Will make you pay
Oh Freddie, you should know
Can't punish people cause your hair won't grow
It's alright, just let go

Freddie, I know
You waved a banner at our latest show
How so?
And why not the expected slander?
You made me feel like Zarah Leander

Just let us go
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