Frank Ra

Frank Ra is an Italian-born Canadian, best known as the author of BioHarmonizing] and A course in Happiness. He is the associate producer of Eckhart Tolle's movie Milton's Secret.
Ra is Dharma instructor, life-coach, well-being facilitator, Hay House blogger. He has been coaching and working in eCommunication since late 1995. He learnt “Brain Fitness Coaching”, graduated in International Relations and Diplomacy, and is a Peace Ambassador. He facilitates the “Eckhart Tolle Vancouver Gatherings” and, as BC Coordinator for Humanity’s Team, hosts the “Neale Donald Walsch: Conversations with God” gatherings in British Columbia. He has been creating awareness about inspirational pointers, strategical, tactical, assessment and outreach tools to facilitate living a happy, meaningful and fulfilling life. He is a speaker at local and international events.
BioHarmonizing (with foreword by Neale Donald Walsch and conclusion by Eckhart Tolle) and A Course in Happiness became best-sellers in 2012 and 2013 , with an estimated four hundred thousand downloads. Frank's books received positive media coverage in Asian, Australian, European, North American and Vancouver-based media.
Ra writes "BioHarmonizing offers you the tools to harmonize your values, goals, actions, etc. BioHarmonizing helps you in discovering what matters for you, in your own terms, and in creating your own harmonic life. Let that song you have in your heart reach the Universe! Do it now-here, or it will happen no-where!".
*BioHarmonizing: How To Flourish During These Interesting Times. Mindfulness, happiness, personal development, peace, spirituality, longevity, well-being and healing in the 21st Century, 2013 ISBN 978-1481800570
*A course in happiness: an authentic happiness formula for well-being, meaning and flourishing, 2011 ISBN 978-1456374136
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