Forbes theory

The Forbes theory is a theory that states that in a programming language to compile from a high-level programming language to a low-level programming language takes more time and a more complex compiler.

If you take this theory to its extreme, the theoretical highest-level programming language would be a spoken language (Such as English). The theory states that if you were to make a compiler that compiled this text from English into a lower-level language;

Create a file at C:/myfile.txt, and write in it four lines; "Hello","This is a test","This is my third line","This is the last line". Then move the file to C:/myfolder/myfile.txt, creating the folder if it does not exist.

It would be much more complex (And most probably much larger) in size than a compiler that compiled the equivalent code to a programming language that is lower than .

However, this is an extreme. A compiler that compiled a spoken language to a low-level programming language would be impossibly large and would be impossibly complex.
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