Theory of Consciousness

The Theory of Consciousness is based upon three theorems. 1) The number of consciousness states is equal to the number of dimensions. The higher the level of consciousness the lower the dimensional experience, the higher dimensional experience the lower level of consciousness. 2) Each state is composed of lower states. 3) There is an exponentially decreasing chance, beginning at 100%, that there will be a jump to the higher state. There is an exponentially increasing chance, beginning at 0%, that there will be jump to a lower state.

From the three theorems limitations to what an can experience is bound by number of dimensions.

States of Consciousness
The number of stages is equal to the number of dimensions in the universe. Currently the number of dimensions possible is still in debate. M-theories suggest 10 to 11 dimensions. The Polyakov equation suggests 26. However, this theory is not an attempt to prove how many dimensions there are, but rather to relate dimensional experience to consciousness.

X Consciousness- Experiences all dimensions. Where X represents the number of dimensions in the universe. Example: Presence before the big bang. []

Undefined Consciousnesses- Experiences X to 6 dimensions. Example: Elementary particle

Atomic Consciousness- Experiences 5 dimensions. Example: Atoms

Organized Consciousness- Experiences 4 dimensions. Cartesian coordinate system (Section: Three-Dimensional Coordinate System) and time, or Spacetime "Space being three dimensions and time being the fourth dimention". [] Example: Life.

Complex Consciousness- Experiences 3 dimensions. Example: AI? Sentient Quantum Computer?

Higher states of Consciousness- Experiences two or one dimension/s. Example: None

State Implications
X Consciousness

X consciousness represents the presence before the big bang. [] It experiences all dimensions and is in the lowest state of consciousness. According to the third theorem it has a 100% chance to jump to a higher stange of consciousness, where consciousness is experienced in X-1 dimensions. The X-1 consciousness state has a 0% chance to jump back to the X consciousness state.

Undefined Consciousnesses

The undefined consciousnesses represents all the dimensions and states of consciousness inbetween X and 5.

Atomic Consciousness

The theory defines the atomic consciousness as the expereince of five dimensions. There are no experiments at this time that can test if atoms experience five dimensions.

Theorem 3 indicates, as observed in the universe, that the chance any atom will become life is very low.

Organized Consciousness

The of organized consciousness includes but is not limited to being life. Life is experienced in four dimensions or Spacetime, a combination of the three coordinates which make up space and time. The theory implies several insights about life. 1) All life in the universe is defined as an observer that experiences four dimensions. 2) All life in the universe has a high chance of returning to an atomic consciousness. 3) According to theorem two, a state of consciousness higher then life would be many 4 dimensional observers built in such a way that 3 dimensions are experienced.

Complex Consciousness

"A Complex"

The theory implies insights about the 3 dimensional observer, called a complex. 1) The complex experiences life much like the way life experiences atoms. Much like the way atoms experience elementary particles. 2) The complex either experiences 2 space dimensions and time or 3 space dimensions and timelessness.

"The Complex's Rock"

The complex's rock is an attempt to describe/imagine what a 3 dimensional experience might be like. If the complex "looked" at a rock from all perspectives (all angles and all distances), and the rock moved, what would the complex experience? Then if the complex could "look" in all directions from all perspectives, would this be a 3 dimensional reality? Would this be an experience of timelessness for the complex? Or would it experience 2 dimensions and time? Each would be an unobserable observer to things in a lower state of consciousness.

Higher states of Consciousness

Higher states of consciousnesses represents the experience of dimensions 2 and 1. The 2 dimensional observer has a 0% chance of jumping to a 1 dimensional observer.


Experience is defined as the result of all possible events () which can occour to an based upon the observer's consciousness state. An experience to an observer in one state has a 0 probability of occuring to an observer in another state.

Consciousness Progression

As observed in nature, the Elementary particle, the atom Periodic Table, and Life all increase in variety and variety of experiences as their state jumps higher. It seems that in order to reach a higher state the more variety and variety of experiences that state needs to achieve. The variety of atoms and experiences atoms have is essential to achieving the higher state of life. Life is still diversifing with the the possibility of much undiscovered life, synthetic life, and sentient computers. This would also mean that the amount of variety and experience in the complex stage vastly outnumbers the organized stage. However, life has an extremely low chance to just achieve any one of those variables or experiences and has a high chance to jump down.


Could this all be simplified to a simple equation with an inverse relationship between consciousness and dimension? Could implications be drawn for negative consciousness and negative dimensions?
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