Football TV Violence

Football TV Violence or violence on TV in general can cause harm from this medium with many effects including kids becoming more violent. Football is a very violent sport, which we all know, but why is it not considered Television violence? There are many studies that look into violence in video games, television, and and all other media to help us monitor what our kids watch but football for some reason does not fall into this category of violent television. Kids today are very easily influenced that it is proven that music even influences violence on them. The media all think that football is just a game and that violence is not a huge part of what football is about but in reality that is all it is. Football is just sequences in which players are targets of force initiated by other players. Players are contantly suffering huge injuries from playing to sport. Especially Dylan Steigers who actually died due to this sport. How can we call the game of football a nonviolent game when these instances are occurring rapidly? These ethical issues need to be addressed. The first amendment gives us a very special right but Football is not just a sport to kids watching it on tv all the time.
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