Flower of Life

The Flower of Life is an ornament consisting of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles. The name was coined in the 1990s by the New Age movement author Drunvalo Melchizedek, who propagated a “sacred geometry” where this shape and parts of it were associated with several historical, mythological and spiritual claims. There is no evidence that the name was used before.
Occurrences of the ornament
The ornament can be constructed easily by pen and compass, by creating multiple series of interlinking circles of the same diameter touch the previous circle's center. The re-occurrence of the figure throughout history are said to prove the significance of the ”sacred geometry” by Melchizedek and his followers. recent research shows that these engravings can date no earlier than 535 BCE, and most probably date to the 2nd and 4th century CE, based on photographic evidence of Greek text, still to be fully deciphered, seen alongside the Flower of Life circles and the position of the circles close to the top of columns, which are over 4 meters in height. This suggests the Osirion was half filled with sand prior to the circles being drawn and therefore likely to have been well after the end of the Ptolemaic dynasty. it even cannot be excluded that the drawings were added in the 20th century CE.
As a New Age symbol
The New York Times quoted a New Age artist as saying, "The Flower of Life has been found in sacred sites throughout the world. Within two weeks of discovering it, I was painting."
The album Sempiternal by Bring Me the Horizon (published 2013) uses the Flower of Life as the main feature of its album cover.
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