
Fleshbeast is a short zombie horror film, produced and filmed in the UK in 2008. It pays homage to the Italian horror films of the 1970s and early 1980s, in particular Lucio Fulci and Dario Argento. It also mimics the low-budget style of many video nasties released during the days of Mary Whitehouse. Fleshbeast was directed by Lee Andrew Matthews and stars J.R Prewer, Alison Cochran and Mark Newman.
The orginal screenplay for Fleshbeast was written as a feature-length script, entitled 'Flesh and the Fury' and only partly referenced the films of Fulci, Argento and George Romero. However, due to budget restraints, this was eventually re-drafted into a 40 page version, called 'Cannibal Hell', and was basically an extended version of the opening scenes from Flesh and the Fury.
The laboratory set was constructed in Cheltenham UK, and was the only set actually built. All environments outside of the lab were created digitally. The first lab set built was actually destroyed during adverse weather conditions in October 2007.
Filming was completed in August 2008.
Cast and Crew
J.R Prewer - Dr Richard N Crenshaw
An arrogant, though secretly insecure character, spurred on by his own desire to be better than his rival, Dr John Antarres. His obession eventually leads to his demise.
Alison Cochran - Nurse M Brisk
Though initially unreliable and immature, Nurse Brisk eventually proves herself to be a worthy adversory for the Fleshbeast
Mark Newman - Animate 33
Killed in a skydiving accident, Animate 33 returns to life via the life-giving serum admistered to him by Crenshaw. Side effects? An un-dying desire to feed on living flesh!
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