Veo Remote

Veo Remote is an alternative to VNC and Remote Desktop applications for the Microsoft Windows operating system. Veo Remote is a suite consisting of the client application Verás (you will see),a server and viewer application Veré (I will see) and a video playback utility Vio (it saw). The Software enables a user to provide help and control another computer remotely. It's proprietary lossless encoder is designed to reduce bandwidth utilization up to Two to Three times compared to other common VNC protocols. It's primarily aimed to be a casual support tool and help desk application with an emphasis on a client security. It utilizes a reverse connection over 256 bit AES Encryption and additionally can record the video of a session on the clients machine for later playback. The personal version is free for personal use.
Veo Remote is developed in C, PureBasic, and FASM programming languages.
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