Fevziye Camer

Fevzije Çamer is an Albanian stylist, costume designer and philanthropist from Chameria who lives and creates in Istanbul, Turkey. Her name is well known by collaborating with other stylists, including Valentino Garavani and Christian Dior. First time Camer realized performing the costume of the Albanian George Kastrioti Skanderbeg.
Fashion activity
* September 2008 Camer participated in Albanian Fashion Week with 60 costumes made from her hands.
* Mars 2013 performed with her collection at "Kosovo's International Fashion Week", in "Square 21" in Pristina where she presented her will to help people in the model of humanism like Mother Teresa.
* In the 1990s Camer dressed a Swiss model designer with a costume stylized in Albanian national costumes and won the First Prize in International Mode Festival in Paris France.
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