Felix Montez

Felix Raymond Montez (September 17, 1976). In 2005 he was elected to the City of Minneapolis Truth-in-Sales Board and in 2008 he became President of the Minnesota Log Cabin Republicans.
In 2008 Montez announced his candidacy for Minnesota State Representative in Congressional District 5, State Senate District (SD) 59-A as a member of the Republican Party. Before running for State House he was a small business owner, having founded Camden REI Inc. a property management firm that operated mostly in Northeast and North Minneapolis. Montez is a conservative with a strong libertarian streak and a deep respect for the U.S. and Minnesota State Constitutions. Montez managed to secure the GOP delegate endorsement in 2008, despite failing to receive the GOP nominating committees endorsement, which endorsed his rival candidate, for unspecified reasons. At the SD-59 Basic Political Operating Unit (BPOU) convention on March 15, 2008 Montez received the endorsement with more than 60% of the delegate vote during the 2nd round of voting, having failed to take the nomination on the first round by one vote. Montez often claims that he was born to politics, citing his birthday of Sept 17th, which is the U.S. Constitution Day, and his birth year of 1976 which is the U.S. Bicentennial. He continues to be a strong advocate of Hispanic-American rights in the twin cities metropolitan area. Montez signed the Republican Liberty Caucus Liberty Compact on February 2, 2008. He was later endorsed by the Republican Liberty Caucus. As of October 31, 2008 it appears that Felix Montez will be the first Republican elected in Minneapolis in over four decades.
Ron Paul endorsement
Felix was endorsed by Ron Paul Liberty PAC in 2008.
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