Dergachy and Knochamellie

Dergachy and Knochamellie Linage
*Ewen (Dou) Campbell, (1441- ), First Lord of Dergachy. He was the forth son of Sir John Campbell, (1398 - 1460) Second Lord of Ardkinglass He marriedThey had one son, Sir Iain Campbell, 2nd Lord of Dergachy.
*Iain or Ean (John) Campbell, (Abt 1471), Second Lord of Dergachy. He married Besseta Boill. They had four sons, Sir Ewen Campbell, 3rd Lord of Dergachy, Sir Duncan Campbell of Leix, Sir Donald Campbell of Ardtarich, and Sir Iain Campbell of Drumsynie.
*Ewen Campbell, (Abt 1531), Third Lord of Dergachy. He married Lady Mariota Campbell McIver of Pennymore. They had two sons, Sir Iain Campbell, 4th Lord of Dergachy, and Sir Archibald Campbell.
*Iain (John) Campbell, (1561 - 1598), Fourth Lord of Dergachy. He married Lady Jane Lyoun,(born Abt 1565), daughter of Sir Archibald Lyoun. They had four sons, Sir Ewen Campbell, 5th Lord of Dergachy, Sir Iain Campbell, Sir Duncan Campbell, and Sir Archibald Campbell.
*Ewen Campbell, Fifth Lord of Dergachy. He married Lady Elizabeth Campbell, (born Abt 1585) daughter of Sir Iain Campbell, Captain of Dunoon. He married a second time to a daughter of Sir Archibald Campbell of Clauchane. He was succeeded by his brother Sir Iain Campbell, 6th Lord of Dergachy for the title.
*Iain (John) Campbell, Sixth Lord of Dergachy. He married Lady Violet, daughter of Sir Iain Cameron, Minister of Dunoon. They had three sons, Sir Ewen Campbell, 7th Lord of Dergachy, Sir Donald Campbell, and Sir Duncan Campbell.
*Ewen (Hew) Campbell, (1623 - 1677), Seventh Lord of Dergachy. He married Lady Janet Campbell and they had three daughters. They then had four sons, Sir Iain (John) Campbell, 8th Lord of Dergachy, Sir Ewen Campbell, Sir Robert Campbell of Uig, and Sir Donald Campbell of Knochamellie.
Sir Robert Campbell of Uig had two sons, Sir Daniel Campbell of Uig, and Sir Robert Campbell of Uig.
At this time in Scotland there was great political upheaval between the Covenanters, Jacobitism, the restoration and the Royalists. This was also known as "the killing time" in Scottish history. The Monmouth Rebellion had taken place and Sir Robert Campbell of Uig was imprisoned in the tolbooth of Leith and later banished from Scotland. In 1685, he was taken to the new world by ship to Perth Amboy, New Jersey. Robert was listed on the "Henry and Francis" ship's manifest which was chartered By Sir Neill Campbell, brother of Archibald Campbell, 9th Earl of Argyll and a distant cousin.
Sir Donald Campbell of Knochamellie died in 1711. He married Isobell Campbell. She died in 1693. He married a second time to Janet Stewart. They had one son, Sir Duncan Campbell, 9th Lord of Dergachy.
*Iain (John) Campbell, 8th Lord of Dergachy married Lady Janet Campbell, the widow of Ewen Campbell of Dergachy. They had two sons, Sir Duncan Campbell, 9th Lord and fiar of Dergachy and Sir Ewen Campbell.
During the Monmouth Rebellion of 1685.
"Meanwhile, other Argyllshire lairds were debating their course of action. In Cowal, John Campbell of Dergachy, his brother Robert (Campbell of Uig), Robert Campbell of Orchard and Donald Ewin of Berenice were among those who discussed whether they should join Argyll (Archibald Campbell, 1st Marquess of Argyll) directly in response to “Mr. Charles’ letter" or do so via Inveraray. The latter course might safeguard their property and they could then either stay and try to ruin Atholl (John Murray, 1st Marquess of Atholl) or desert when opportunity offered. When a further letter from ‘Mr. Charles’ arrived on 18 May, ordering the Bailie of Glendaruel to come at once with all those in the area, they decided the greater part of the country should go join him since too many of them with Atholl would make the plot vulnerable. If Mr. Charles should go through the motions of sending a party to force them, those who were to join Atholl would take to the hills."
*Duncan Campbell 1st Lord of Knochamellie and Dergachy, married Lady Sophia Campbell. She died in 1694. They had only one daughter. He married a second time to Lady Marian M'Lachlan. They had three sons, Sir Donald Campbell of Derachy, Reverend Ian Campbell and Sir Lachlan Campbell.
*Donald Campbell, 10th Lord of Dergachy, had one son, Sir Robert Campbell, 11th Lord of Dergachy.
*Robert Campbell 11th Lord of Dergachy married Lady Violet Campbell. She died in 1817.
*Rev. Ian Campbell 2nd Lord of Knochamellie had one son, Sir Duncan Campbell, 3rd Lord of Knochamellie.
*Duncan Campbell 3rd Lord of Knochamellie, married Anne Crooks. They had two sons, Sir Henry Campbell, 4th Lord of Knochamllie and Sir James Campbell of Garrochoran.
*Henry Campbell 4th Lord of Knochamellie first married Lady Alice Campbell. They had one son, Duncan Campbell. Lady Alice Campbell "ran away with her cousin Colin Campbelll of Ardnahow who had a wife living so she (Alicia) could not marry him - she had children and her daughter Agnes married a carpenter John McLiver and was the mother of Colin Campbell Lord Clyde and Alicia Campbell."
Henry Campbell "allegedly" married Elizabeth Colquhoun. They had at least four known children, Isabella (Bell), Anne, Jean, Duncan and possibly Flora Anne or James.
Mrs Campbell of Dergachy
John Brown, the genealogist, says: “The heroic Mrs Campbell of Dergachy, when her husband’s property was plundered by the troops of Atholl, followed to the camp, on the borders of the district of Lennox, in Dumbartonshire, where she was delivered of a child (in the camp). No sooner was Sir John Murray, 1st Marquis of Atholl informed of the circumstance by the doctor and chaplain, than he gave orders that every attention that the situation of the lady required should be paid; and on her recovery the property was restored, with which she returned to Dergachy, and her memory has often been celebrated in Gaelic song.”
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