
Fecuop, a collaborative established in 1997 by Jason Ferguson of Trinidad and Tobago, Brandon Opalka of Virginia, USA and Christian Curiel of Cuba. The name constitutes an amalgam of the three artist’s names, much like the periodic table of elements. The unique characteristics of each member bring a unique variable property to every piece. Each an artist in their own right, together FeCuOp fuses to create work that encourages members to become a part of one collective voice. Working with various mediums and at times nontraditional venues, FeCuOp often starts with an idea for a social experiment that invite viewers to engage in their experiments. This information is then documented and archived.
Artwork, Installations, and Live Performances
Going Out on A Limb
Curated by Nina Arias Going Out on the Limb suggested a metaphor for Miami's growing art scene It involved anonymous performers dangling their bare legs through holes in a ceiling, toes coming close to the eye-level of observers.
Heart Shaped Kissing Booth
Originally shown at the the Box Art Space (an alternative art venue in Miami) in a group show titled Performance art in Miami. Fecuop created a social experiment where they invited the audience to become the performers. The performers where invited into the kissing booth and encouraged to preform using a variety of stimulus that enticed sexual excitement.
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