Feats achieved by I.G.P. Baral

During I.G.P. Khadgajeet Baral's tenure as the I.G.P. of Nepal Police, he had achieved that which no previous police chief had ever achieved before him or even after him.
Legend states that he once went to India and promoted an Indian police officer to a higher rank without the consent of the Indian authorities. Another legend state that once, when I.G.P. Baral saw a police officer smoking a cigarette, he quickly extinguished it and hid it; when he was interrogated by the chief regarding the cigarette, he first lied that he didn't know anything about it. When I.G.P. Baral threatened him, the young officer took off his hat and showed an extinguished cigarette in the middle of his head. I.G.P. Baral was said to have been impressed with his honesty and was said to have given him a double promotion.
Other myths state that the ministers of the Panchayat Era would cower in fear at the very sight of him; his very aura was enough to instigate terror among the police officers of lower ranks.
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