Fatso (crocodile)

Fatso is a male saltwater crocodile located in Malcolm Douglas Crocodile Park near Broome, Western Australia. He received notoriety for a 2010 incident in which he bit a man named Michael Newman, who entered Fatso's enclosure at the Crocodile Park while drunk.
Fatso arrived at Malcolm Douglas Crocodile Park in the 1990s after having been removed from the Victoria River near Timber Creek, Northern Territory.
Bite incident
On 12 July 2010, Michael Newman, a visitor from Melbourne, climbed into Fatso's enclosure in Malcolm Douglas Crocodile Park near Broome, Western Australia. Newman, who was ejected from a nearby pub called Divers Tavern earlier that night for being overly drunk, scaled the barbed wire fence surrounding Fatso's enclosure and attempted to sit on the crocodile's back.<ref namebbc /><ref nameperpitch /><ref nameguardian /> Fatso bit Newman on his right leg, and Newman subsequently escaped the enclosure and returned to Divers Tavern.<ref namebbc /><ref nameguardian /> Mark Phillips, the manager of the pub, noted that Newman had pieces of tree bark hanging off him and chunks of flesh missing from his leg.<ref namebbc /><ref namelocker /> Newman was given a beer and ordered an ambulance,<ref nameperpitch /> and was taken to Broome Hospital, where he received dozens of stitches to his leg.<ref namebbc /><ref nametelegraph />
Malcolm Douglas, then-owner of the Crocodile Park, called Newman "fortunate", stating that "Fatso was a bit more sluggish than normal, due to the cooler nights we have been experiencing in Broome. If it had been warmer and Fatso was more alert, we would have been dealing with a fatality."<ref name=bbc />
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