Famous Pivot Animators

There are few extermely talented pivot animators that have made themselves famous on Youtube. The more notable animators are PivotMasterDX, for the Stick Figures On Crack Series, PivotRJ for The Chase Series and The Stairs Series, and Alchemist7000 for his Pivot wars and updates.

PivotMasterDX was one of the first notable pivot animators on Youtube before his account was hacked. He made Stick Figures On Crack 1, 2, and 3. The series has no main plot and is many random pivot animations inspired by tv shows, music, etc. He uses the default stick figure in most of his animations. A running joke seems to be a giant cheeseburger smashing stick figures and even moving on its own as if alive.

PivotRJ seems to be the so called "Master" of Pivot or "The New PivotMasterDX" ever since PivotMaster DX was hacked. He has made The Chase 1 through 4 and is working on a fifth video. Another notable video is The Stairs which will have a sequel. The Chase originated with two stick men(shorter than the default with eyes) sitting at a table while one takes a bite of a burger. He then gets up and while he's gone, the other stickman takes a bite of the burger. The other stickman comes back angered and begins to chase the other. The one who stole a bite of the burger always seems to prevail in any possible way. A running gag is the stickman chasing getting hit with a water balloon. The water balloon seems to be a solid though and hits him with astounding force.

Currently, his most popular video is his Pivotwar with PivotRJ. He mostly posts Pivot updates and Pivot wars that are with fellow animators. He has a few projects planned, but for now, he might be posting another pivot update shortly. He is also a member of www.dakrdemon.org.

PivotDK is well known for his pivot music. He is also well known for his Dance Of Evil spoof. A new video is his realising is the murder that will star in 2008

Pivotmite is another animator with an extra animator called "Firedu". Both of them made a well known video on youtube called Two Stupid Men and the latest hit Two Stupid Men II. Also they made a Mario Overlap on youtube it was just out
a few months back. He also works and created IF® productions (Infernoflame)
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