Fame Has A Price

Fame Has A Price is a fictional television series in my soap opera, My Beloved Girlfriend. The television series stars Rachel Barryworth-Valdez, Jacqueline Patterson-Kingstone, Gianeraldine Tresmelera and Brad Springknot. The series will fictitiously debut February 10 of 2008.

The Storyline
We meet Rebecca Stallsberg and her best friends in a fictional television network in Los Angeles, California called "Glamorous TV" IN September of 1984. That year, Rebecca had a lot going for her until some unwanted guests showed up to crash the gala party of the grand debut of "Glamorous TV". Among the unwanted guests were her psycho-boyfriend Steven Flowers and his gang of international criminals known as "Hell's Avengers". In 2008 the "Hell's Avengers" try to spoil the success of Rebecca and her friends from "Glamorous TV". They say everything in life is free, but one thing has a price: and that's fame.

Filming Location
The setting maybe Los Angeles, but in My Beloved Girlfriend, it is filmed in Brierdale, Florida.

All songs are performed by Fergie including her #1 hit and the theme song for the television series . All but one song is its ending theme song, Gold Digger by Kanye West.

Production Company
It is produced by Lucero Delphini's production company, Streets of Philadelphia Productions, Inc..
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