Fallingbrook Community Elementary School

Fallingbrook Community Elementary School is part of the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board.
The address of the school is 679 Deancourt Crescent, Orléans, Ontario, K4A 3E1, Canada. The Principal of the school is Denise Norris, the Vice-Principal is Josée Beaudry, the Office administrator is Patricia Hill and the Chief Custodian is André Bergeron. The phone number of the school is (613) 830-8817 and the fax number is (613) 830-1039. The school hours are from 9:00 to 3:30.
At the beginning of the 2012/13 school year there were 400 students enrolled at the school.
A regular English program is offered to students in Junior Kindergarten through grade eight and an early French immersion program is offered to students in Senior Kindergarten (half day English and half day French) through grade eight.
Programs Offered
Extended Day Program

Early French Immersion

Full-Day Junior and Senior Kindergarten Program

Learning Disabled Program

Regular English Program

Special Education Learning Centre.
Ontario Elementary School Report Card
Fallingbrook Elementary School obtained an overall mark of 7 out of 10 by the Fraser Institute for the 2011/12 School Report, with a rank of 777 out of 2714 schools.
Sports Teams
•Cross-Country Running: Junior (Gr. 3-6) and Intermediate (Gr. 7 & 8)
•Track and Field: Junior (Gr.4-6) and Intermediate Gr. 7 & 8)
•Touch Football: Intermediate (Gr. 7 & 8)
•Soccer: Junior (Gr. 5 & 6) and Intermediate (Gr.7 & 8)
•Badminton: Junior (Gr. 5 & 6) and Intermediate (Gr. 7 & 8)
•Volleyball: Junior (Gr. 5 & 6) and Intermediate (Gr.7 & 8)
•Basketball: Junior (Gr. 5 & 6) and Intermediate (Gr.7 & 8)
•Swedish Bowling Intramurals: Primary (Gr.1-3)
Clubs Etc.
•Junior Choir
•Primary Choir
•Gr. 7 Band
•Gr. 8 Band
•Primary Bell Club
•Junior Bell Club
•Primary Bookworm Club
•Blue Spruce - Silver Birch - Red Maple - Tamarack Reading Club (Gr.1-8)
Description of the School
•The school is a single story building that is in walking distance for the vast majority of the students. Many bike/walking paths provide convenient shortcuts to the school.
•The school features a well-stocked library, a gymnasium, a community room, a music room, a computer lab, design/tech lab and a science lab.
•There are no portables at the school.
•The property contains a number of grassy areas. The numerous trees as well as a gazebo provide shade to the students during hot, sunny days. During the winter months there is a skating rink on the property as well as a small hill nearby for supervised tobogganing.
•Modern play structures are located on the school grounds as well as a public playground adjacent to the school. There is also a baseball diamond and a soccer field adjacent to the school, which are maintained by the City of Ottawa.
Falcons for the Earth
In order to reduce the ecological footprint of the school, Fallingbrook Community Elementary School proudly participates in the Ontario EcoSchools environmental education and certification program. The program is a government initiative that promotes environmental awareness in schools across Ontario. In 2011 the school received a silver medal qualification as a result of the numerous environmental initiatives that were implemented at the school.
Character Education
Character education is a part of daily life at the school. Each month, students and staff focus on a particular character trait. The character trait (i.e. respect, responsibility, empathy), is then reflected during morning announcements, visible on the walls of the school, embedded in the classroom curriculum, and reinforced each day. At the end of each month, students and their teachers organize a school assembly to celebrate the character trait for that particular month.
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