Fake geek girl

"Fake geek girl" is a pejorative term for a woman who is accused of feigning interest in geeky topics such as video games or comic books to get attention from men. The topic was the subject of controversy in 2012 and 2013, when multiple articles were published supporting or condemning the concept.
Much of the controversy surrounding the concept of fake geek girls began in March 2012, when Tara Brown published an article on the Forbes website titled "Dear Fake Geek Girls: Please Go Away". Comic artist Tony Harris wrote a Facebook post in November 2012, described by The Daily Dot as a "diatribe", about female cosplayers who were not knowledgeable about the characters they were representing.
Criticism of fake geek girls has given rise to other phenomena, such as the "Idiot Nerd Girl" image macro.
These articles prompted considerable response. Some people argued that fake geek girls did not exist, or were more rare than the criticism suggested. Kirk Hamilton wrote in Kotaku that people perceived to be fake geek girls were instead people who were interested in things to different extents. Some responses describe the criticism as misogynist and as a form of gatekeeping.
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