Faith Kane

Faith Kane is a Senior Lecturer and leader of the Textiles programme at Massey University College of Creative Arts in Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand.
Kane holds a BA (Hons) Woven Textile Design (Loughborough University, UK) and a PhD, also from Loughborough. Her PhD thesis was entitled Designing nonwovens: craft and industrial perspectives and was completed in 2007.
Kane teaches at the undergraduate level and supervises postgraduates, including PhD students at Massey University. (first edition published November 2013 by Bloomsbury, now published by Taylor & Francis).
* Kane, F. (2016) Applications of Nonwovens in Home Furnishings in Advances in Technical Nonwovens, Ed. Kelly, G. Woodhead Publishing,
*Kane, F (2010) Nonwoven Textiles for Residential and Commercial Interiors in Applications of Nonwovens in Technical Textiles, Ed. Chapman, RA Woodhead Publishing, pp.136-158,
*Kane, F (2009) Nonwovens in Smart Clothes and Wearable Technologies, Ed Bryson, D and McCann, J. Woodhead Publishing,
*Kane, F (2009) Laser Patterned Nowovens, Laser Institute of America 28th International Congress on Application of Lasers and Electro-Optics, Vol 102, 2nd - 5th November, Orlando, FL, USA
*Kane, F (2009) Laser Patterned Nonwovens, Cutting Edge, Lasers and Creativity (Symposium Visual Presentation), 4th November, Loughborough University, UK,  
*Kane, F (2009) Nonwovens for Interior Spaces; Translucency and Texture (Poster), Integration of Design and Science: Light Materials, Colour and Environment (Symposium Poster), Royal Institute of British Architects, 24th June, London
*Kane F (2006) Designing Nonwovens: Industrial and Craft Perspectives, 6th Autex Conference, 11th - 14th June, NC State University, USA  
*Kane, F (2006) Designing Nonwovens: Industrial and Craft Perspectives, Whats Happening in Nonwovens? Nonwovens Network Seminar (Presentation), 29th June, Leeds
*Kane, F (2005) Nonwoven Fabric 1 in Visions in Textiles: From Tradition to Textile Art/Design of Tomorrow (Exhibition), Izmir State Art and Sculpture Museum, 15th September - 8th October, Turkey,
*Kane (Brown), F (2004) A Collaborative Affair: Contemporary Textile Practice, Challenging Craft. 8th - 10th September, Gray's School of Art, Aberdeen,
*Kane (Brown), F (2003) Considering Industrial and Craft Perspectives in the Construction of Nonwoven Textiles, Fibrous Assemblies at the Design and Engineering Interface, INTEDEC Conference Exhibition, 22nd-24th September, Edinburgh,
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