F4:Vortex is a 2010 action film directed by Andreas Linke. The film will be released by Maverick Entertainment Group on March 2, 2010. Plot A heat wave, a devastating tennis ball size hail storm, and a dead farmer all leave the local police mystified; but for experienced Meteorologist’s, January Berger, these are warning signs to a bigger natural disaster. A relentless storm is about to hit the center of town and with no advanced warning system in place residents are left to fend for themselves! As the massive twisters rip a path of destruction though the city, will anyone make it out alive? Cast <ul> <li> Matthias Koeberlin <li> Mina Tander <li> Lisa Martinek <li> Rudolf Kowalski <li> Sascha Göpel <li> Harald Schrott <li> Amber Bongard Awards & Achievement <ul> <li>Directed by award winning director Andreas Linke (won the Audience Award at the Baden-Baden TV Film Festival, won Best Short Film at Elche International Independent Film Festival) <li>Written by award winning screenwriter Don Bohlinger (won Best Screenplay at Fantasporto and Best Screenplay at the Bavarian Film Awards) <li>Matthias Koeberlin won Best Actor for his role in F4: Vortex at the German Television Awards <li>Starring Adolf Grimme Award winner Martin Lindow <li>Jacob Matschenz won Best Young Actor at the Max Ophüls Festival for his role in Das Lächeln der Tiefseefische